Combine visibility models

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Combine visibility models

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To enable ZTV studies to be based on a number of separate targets each with their own results presented as colour mapping from their respective visibility models but also to be able to show the cumulative effect of two targets or more by adding the visibility models together.



Select the first individual visibility model.

Select one or more visibility model to be added to it.

Specify the combining/merging logic ANY or EVERY. See graphics below how the selected logic affect the resulting ZTV model when merging three ZTV models together


Selecting ANY will result in a ZTV model which has visibility in areas where one or more of the selected ZTV models has visibility.

Selecting ANY will result in a ZTV model which has visibility in areas where one or more of the selected ZTV models has visibility.




Selecting EVERY will result in a ZTV model which has visibility in areas where every/all ZTV models has visibility.

Selecting EVERY will result in a ZTV model which has visibility in areas where every/all ZTV models has visibility.