User specific Observation file Input(s)

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User specific Observation file Input(s)

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To create structured 2D or 3D Land Survey drawings from raw observation or co-ordinate files. This is a non-standard area regarding data format and a specific program (or programs) is supplied to each user. This program is based on one or two example files supplied by the user.


For raw observation the following are required for each set up :-

Station occupied (must exist in station file)

Instrument height for station occupied

RO station (must exist in station file)

Horizontal Angle to RO

Vertical Angle to RO (optional)

Slope Distance to RO (optional)

Target height at RO (optional)


and for each observation :-

Horizontal Angle

Vertical Angle

Slope Distance

Pole height

Point number (optional)

Feature code

Comments (optional)


For co-ordinate data the following are required :-




Point number (optional)

Feature code

Comments (optional)



Select the raw observation or co-ordinate file. If inputting a raw observation file a station or control file will also need to be selected. It is essential that all stations used as set-ups or ROs are included in the station file. The program calculates co-ordinates and levels for raw data input or re-formats co-ordinate data to enable input as in File utilities, .txt Co-ordinate files, Input.