.txt Co-ordinate files

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.txt Co-ordinate files

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KTF .txt files store Easting, Northing, Level, Point number and feature code in a simple format. Inputs from survey dataloggers, GPS data and MX GENIO translate into this format. The four character feature code enables a high degree of drawing automation. For more detailed information on the use of codes etc. see Land Survey, User specific Observation file Inputs(s).


Format information :-


  1878.125    2164.418      78.651            1       V001

  1878.759    2164.206      78.657            2       V001

  1879.256    2159.239      78.465            3       V001

  1881.766    2153.188      78.431            4       V001

  1881.898    2175.200      78.771            5       V002

  1880.456    2173.756      78.834            6       V002

  1878.977    2171.350      78.757            7       V002

  1878.713    2169.151      78.657            8       V002

  1878.368    2169.077      78.671            9       V002

  1973.803    2216.431      86.347           10       L001

  1955.818    2219.708      85.963           11       L001

  1935.270    2203.678      84.045           12       L001

  1905.546    2193.341      86.202           13       L001

  1896.214    2188.887      85.355           14       L001

  1882.997    2185.101      84.453           15       B001

  1879.225    2185.531      84.389           16       B001

  1973.398    2212.685      83.256           17       B002

  1962.608    2211.964      82.771           18       B002

  1956.730    2211.702      81.931           19       PMH1

  1945.649    2202.837      79.806           20       T087


Easting right justified to col. 12, Northing right justified to col. 24, Level right justified to col. 36,

Curve fit "F" in col. 42, Number right justified to col. 49, Code from col. 57, Comments from col. 62

No headers or end of file markers should be used.