Annotate elevations

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Annotate elevations

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To annotate contour elevations with a number of presentation options.



Choose presentation option – for typical use as shown the locating 2D Polylines need to be drawn first to fix intersection positions.



Include 3D Polylines

Will also recognise 3D Polylines


Select only KTF contours

To only work with contours drawn from KTF ground model


Retain marking polyline(s)

Toggle "on" if want to leave the 2D polylines marking the annotation locations in drawing (yellow lines in above screen grab)


Align text to slopes

Toggle "on" and the annotation text will facing uphill slopes. See image below.


 "Align to slopes" effect: Left side setting "on", right side "off".

"Align to slopes" effect: Left side setting "on", right side "off".