Ground Modelling

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Ground Modelling

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Ground Model (or Model)

This is a .kgm file representing a surface (existing, proposed or for analytical purpose such as cut and fill and visibility) as a number of triangles. Most models are created from 3D drawing entities.



Convert 2D drawing entities (usually 2D Polylines) into 3D by projecting them onto or draping over a model. Also used in a powerful design setting to convert 2D Polylines into 3D Polylines by menu items Design, Vertical, Drape onto Uniform surface and Design, Strings, Drape onto Road surface.



Where an embankment intersects a Ground Model – usually represented as a 3D Polyline.


Uniform surface

A plane that may or may not be horizontal. Contours from a tilting Uniform surface model (technically this will have two triangles) will all be parallel. A horizontal uniform surface may be used to represent water at a specific level. See menu items Ground Modelling, Create model, Uniform surface and Design, Vertical, Drape onto Uniform surface.



Zones of Theoretical Visibility (aka ZVI Zones of Visual Impact).