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To calculate and write to an ASCII file a comprehensive listing of all linear entities (generally Polylines should be the majority of the data) with total lengths so that a simple quantity take off will be produced. The analysis groups all entities by layer. If Xdata codes exist they will also be listed.



Return to write report file, enter the output file name, select all relevant entities to create report file looking like this :-


  LAYER :  Kerbs

3D Polyline V020     plan LENGTH =     124.224        (3D length = 124.388)

3D Polyline V019     plan LENGTH =      66.148        (3D length =  66.186)

3D Polyline V017     plan LENGTH =      73.463        (3D length =  73.538)

3D Polyline E009     plan LENGTH =      53.630        (3D length =  53.637)


        Layer total plan LENGTH =     317.465  (total 3D length = 317.748)

        Layer total entities    = 4