Level Differences

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Level Differences

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To mark on the section the difference in level between two selected Polylines typically the existing ground and Vertical Alignment. Sectional areas of cut and fill are also calculated.



Pick the datum line, pick the 2D Polyline representing the existing ground and Return.

Pick the 2D Polyline representing the alignment. Locations of the chainages are set via the dialogue :-



For typical use Regular Chainage intervals only with an interval of 2.5 should be suitable. There are two outputs :-


1.Write output file, the .vld file is a simple listing of chainages and levels.

2.Draw Info to annotate at suitable location the thicknesses on the section.


Extract from .vld file :-

    0.000     0.000

    5.000     0.147

   10.000     0.305

   15.000     0.468

   20.000     0.516

   25.000     0.416

   30.000     0.316

   35.000     0.033

   40.000    -0.074

   45.000    -0.290

   50.000    -0.426



Level differences between existing ground (green) and vertical alignment/design (white). Section areas are also reported on the section.

Level differences between existing ground (green) and vertical alignment/design (white). Section areas are also reported on the section.