Master String (or 3D Polyline)

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Master String (or 3D Polyline)

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To create a file to list all Horizontal and Vertical Alignment geometry from a Master String.

In addition to writing the report file this function can also be used to mark horizontal and vertical tangent points, high and low points as well as regular intervals. This provides a good way to show vertical data points on the Horizontal Alignment.



Pick the Horizontal Alignment 2D Polyline and if vertical information is required select the .vtg file.


Pick a 3D Polyline and specify where the vertical geometry (if required) will be derived from.

Typical settings for all geometry including regular chainage intervals of 10.000 metres

Typical settings for all geometry including regular chainage intervals of 10.000 metres


Enter the name of the output .kdr report file. If all outputs are requested as shown in the dialogue then a full listing of all horizontal and vertical geometry will be written to the file.


The horizontal and vertical analysis file looks like this :-

Point         E            N        Level     Chain.   Element   Reference        Bearing


   1     2104.729     2168.710    86.403     0.000   straight   Horiz. Start     122d15'8"

   2     2113.186     2163.373    86.613    10.000   straight                    122d15'8"

   3     2120.241     2158.922    86.789    18.342     78.578   Horiz. TP        122d15'8"

   4     2121.634     2158.022    86.824    20.000     78.578                    123d27'41"

   5     2129.603     2151.993    87.034    30.000     78.578                    130d45'11"

   6     2136.743     2145.001    87.244    40.000     78.578                    138d2'40"

   7     2142.938     2137.160    87.454    50.000     78.578                    145d20'10"

   8     2144.714     2134.477    87.522    53.217     78.578    Vert. TP        147d40'55"

   9     2147.726     2129.286    87.640    59.220    -66.702   Horiz. TP        152d3'33"

  10     2148.095     2128.599    87.654    60.000    -66.702                    151d23'23"

  11     2153.523     2120.212    87.811    70.000    -66.702                    142d47'59"

  12     2160.142     2112.728    87.923    80.000    -66.702                    134d12'36"

  13     2167.805     2106.318    87.990    90.000    -66.702                    125d37'12"

  14     2176.339     2101.124    88.013   100.000    -66.702                    117d1'49"

  15     2176.367     2101.110    88.013   100.032    -66.702    Vert. Hi. pnt   117d0'11"

  16     2185.554     2097.263    87.990   110.000    -66.702                    108d26'25"

  17     2187.458     2096.659    87.981   111.997    -66.702    Horiz. End      106d43'28"