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KTF makes BricsCAD or AutoCAD very suitable for many land and infrastructure based projects. Note that the angular base is Deg. Min. Sec. whole circle bearings with 0 deg. with North up the screen.


The KTF template drawing makes many settings appropriate including :-
Angbase = 90d0'0"
Angdir = 1
Attdia = 0
Filedia = 1
Insunits = 0
Insunitsdefsource = 0
Insunitsdeftarget = 0
Limits = Off
Pdmode = 2
Pdsize = 0.5
Pickadd = 1
Pickfirst = 1
Plinegen = 1
Plinetype = 2
Space = Model
Style = Romans with height set to 0
UCS = World
Units = Metres to 3 decimal places

Note that Rememberfolders should = 0