Draw as Levels or 3D Polylines

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Draw as Levels or 3D Polylines

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To draw cross sections in plan as spot levels or 3D Polylines. The plan position is defined by a 2D Polyline representing the horizontal alignment or road centre that may be drawn over an OS base drawing. The start of the 2D Polyline is assumed to have a chainage of 0.000 unless this has been set by a Design, Horizontal menu item. The 2D Polyline direction defines the direction of chainage increase. Codes for levels are recognised as L001 for the first cross section, L002 for the second etc.



Return to mark as spot levels or click "No" in the dialogue to draw as 3D Polylines.

Pick the 2D Polyline representing the road centre and select the level data file.

Drawing options are now the same as menu item File utilities, .txt Co-ordinate files, Input.