Sections from level data

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Sections from level data

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Levels from traditional level and staff observations may be entered into the editor, the section data is stored in a section level data file (.dat).


This has a simple format that lists in specific columns Level, Code, Chainage and Offset :-


99.434   LC01    120.000   -2.500

99.466   C001    120.000    0.000

99.427   RC01    120.000    2.555

99.540   RK01    120.000    2.555

99.567   RF01    120.000    4.050

99.473   LC01    140.000   -2.500

99.521   C001    140.000    0.000

99.523   RC01    140.000    2.850

99.597   RK01    140.000    2.850

99.651   RF01    140.000    4.100

99.491   LC01    160.000   -2.550

99.530   C001    160.000    0.000

99.502   RC01    160.000    2.880


No headers or end of file markers are required.

Example coding above LC01 = Left channel, C001 = Centre, RC01 = Right channel, RK01 = Right kerb and RF01 = Right footpath.