Report Difference (model - file)

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Report Difference (model - file)

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To write a file listing differences in level between a ground model and points in a co-ordinate file. The co-ordinates file must be in the KTF .txt format as described for menu item File utilities, .txt Co-ordinate files. This function will compare design levels in the file with a model created from an "as built" survey. Airport approach and take off surfaces can easily be modeled in KTF with the help of menu items 3D utilities, Enquire and define Slope and can resemble a "long thin stadium". If surveyed structures and the tops of trees etc. exist in a .txt co-ordinate file the locations of points encroaching into the take off and approach envelopes will be clearly shown in the output file.



Select the input file containing "as built" survey data or tops of structures and trees etc.

Enter name for output report file.

Select the model.


The resulting report file looks like this :-


      E          N          L         Num.      Code    Model      DIFF.



  1033.375   1016.253     13.051        8       L001   13.446      0.395

  1064.456   1005.669      9.297        9       L001   10.188      0.891

  1038.839    992.013     13.188       10       L001   12.184     -1.004

  1022.445    992.013     11.555       11       L001   12.548      0.993

  1066.163   1041.518     10.499       12       L001   11.413      0.914

  1211.321   1105.258     11.145       13       L001    Outside of model

  1056.942   1079.757      7.285       14       L001    8.777      1.492

  1034.399   1066.442     11.002       15       L001   10.104     -0.898

  1024.153   1058.248     10.115       16       L001   10.908      0.793


Note that that negative values in the right hand column indicate a tree or building encroaching into the approach path for an airfield application.