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To calculate the volume from 2D Polylines on cross sections comparing existing and design.

Existing ground in green, design in white

Existing ground in green, design in white



Before the calculation can take place the design 2D Polylines need to be "activated" by menu item Sections, Add to section(s), Codes to vertices including EACSD output Volactivate.

Select all the cross sections.

Set the layers for existing and design.


Click Write report to write the result to file :-


Base / Survey: Ground

Design / Re-survey: Design


Cut volume: 482

Fill volume: 1298

Balance: 816 (fill)


   Chainage    Cut area   Fill area


       10.0       0.000      47.316

       20.0       0.018      43.313

       30.0      21.628       0.000

       50.0       5.373       1.513

       60.0       2.449       4.644

       70.0       3.472       5.849

       90.0       0.000      21.263

      100.0       0.000      11.622

      110.0       0.000       7.269