Browse/Find section(s)

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Browse/Find section(s)

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Search for a section file matching a selected section profile on a drawing

Scan and view all section files in a drive or folder, including subfolders


Need to find the original section file for this profile on a section drawing

Need to find the original section file for this profile on a section drawing





1.Select the folder to search sections from and choose to allow subfolders to be searched too

2.Select the section by clicking it's datum line and then he section profile to search for. Note that if a section is not selected you can list and view all section files in following dialog

3.All found section will be listed - if matching section file(s) are found they will be listed first with a % score of how good the mach was compared with the selected section profile


Dialog showing all sections under a main folder. Good matches to selected section profile are listed first with a match percentage. Details about the section are shown below the file list window.

Dialog showing all sections under a main folder. Good matches to selected section profile are listed first with a match percentage. Details about the section are shown below the file list window.


Show all sections

On: Lists all KTF section files found regardless if they did match with the selected section profile

Off: Lists only section files that match with the selected section profile


Show full paths

On: Show full path to all section files

Off: Show the section file name only


Open Explorer in section folder

Opens Windows Explorer in highlighted section file's folder


Sort by

List of section files can be sorted by the Folder Order, Date Created or Section File Name. Toggle the Ascending on/off as required.