Levels along a 2D Polyline

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Levels along a 2D Polyline

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To "project" Levels (or the vertices from 3D Polylines) onto a 2D Polyline to define a section.



2D Polyline in cyan, levels in white and 3D Polyline in yellow.

2D Polyline in cyan, levels in white and 3D Polyline in yellow.


Pick the 2D Polyline and set maximum distances – levels and vertices further away will be ignored. Click the Select button and make a selection set of level blocks (and/or 3D Polylines). A list of resulting chainages and levels appears. The Add… button enables hand input and Clear will delete all lines in the list.


Settings for typical use when creating a section file

Settings for typical use when creating a section file


Click Start to write the section file.

To draw the section use menu item Sections, Draw Section.


Use cross section locations for chainages should be "off" for typical use as it is a River section specific option (see sequence7).