Relationship from Master String to 3D Polyline

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Relationship from Master String to 3D Polyline

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To write a file to illustrate the "near and far" plan distances between a Master String and a 3D Polyline.

Horizontal alignment (white) and 3D Polyline (cyan)

Horizontal alignment (white) and 3D Polyline (cyan)



Pick the 2D Polyline representing the Horizontal Alignment and select the .vtg file.  

Pick the existing 3D Polyline and the dialogue appears :-


For typical use the start and end chainages are fixed by the start and end of the 3D Polyline assuming the Master String is longer

For typical use the start and end chainages are fixed by the start and end of the 3D Polyline assuming the Master String is longer


The top of the .kdr report file looks like this with the first line in the pair the Master String and the second the 3D Polyline :-


    2.372        2089.943        2266.714     87.146

                 2090.480        2267.449     87.100     -0.910    1 in -20


    5.000        2092.065        2265.163     87.171

                 2092.629        2265.934     87.147     -0.956    1 in -40


    7.764        2094.296        2263.532     87.197

                 2094.888        2264.341     87.196     -1.003   1 in -136


   10.000        2096.101        2262.212     87.217

                 2096.668        2262.988     87.203     -0.962    1 in -69


   13.087        2098.592        2260.390     87.246

                 2099.126        2261.120     87.214     -0.905    1 in -28


   15.000        2100.137        2259.261     87.264

                 2100.612        2259.910     87.172     -0.804    1 in -9  


   17.018        2101.766        2258.070     87.283

                 2102.178        2258.634     87.127     -0.699    1 in -4  


The bottom of the .kdr report file is sorted in offset order to show looks like this with the first line in the pair the Master String and the second the 3D Polyline :-


Chainages and Offsets, sorted by offsets decending:


Chainage: 41.605, Offset: -0.163

Chainage: 45.000, Offset: -0.304

Chainage: 28.222, Offset: -0.317

Chainage: 25.000, Offset: -0.362

Chainage: 40.000, Offset: -0.365

Chainage: 23.290, Offset: -0.387

Chainage: 62.015, Offset: -0.395