Construction volumes

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Construction volumes

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To calculate the volume of construction material as defined by two string files. One represents the final design surface and the other the excavation or sub base etc. No reference to any Master String is made and the calculation is made on a straight line basis from the start to the end chainages with no consideration of curves.



Select string file defining final design surface, select string file defining earthworks (or any other “sub” surface).



0.000 if both string files relate to same 0.000, 0.000 location or enter “thickness” value.


Write Section files        

“On” to write section file.


Write Report file        

“On” to write .kdr Design Report file.


Start chainage                

0.000 for typical use or enter alternative for the start of the calculation.


End chainage        

Enter the end chainage. Note that it is important if “standard” string files are used with end chainage of 10,000.00 for example to make the calculation go to the real end of the Master String or other end chainage  - if not the result will be incorrect.
