Cross Sections from 3D Polylines

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Cross Sections from 3D Polylines

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To create cross sections at right angles to a defining 2D or 3D Polyline crossing 3D Polylines representing channels, kerbs and verges etc. The defining Polyline may be representing a proposed horizontal alignment, existing road centre line or centre of a river for example. This method is highly suitable for creating existing road and river cross sections. Chainage direction is set by the direction of the 2D or 3D Polyline - use menu item Polyline utilities, Reverse direction to confirm and reverse if required.


3D Polylines representing centre in cyan, channels in yellow, kerbs in red and back of footpath in white. 

3D Polylines representing centre in cyan, channels in yellow, kerbs in red and back of footpath in white. 



Pick the 2D or 3D Polyline representing the "centre-line" in typical use and shown in cyan above. Return to accept default of not using 2D Polylines or enter "Y" if these are to be included (they must have a suitable elevation). Select the 3D Polylines and enter the output file name.

Settings for typical use looking left and right up to 10 metres each side

Settings for typical use looking left and right up to 10 metres each side


Road Name:

Will appear if set in Design, Horizontal, Extract geometry



Regular chainage interval to locate cross sections.


Left Offset      

Extent to the left (negative for typical use).


Right Offset          

Extent to the right (positive for typical use).


Chainage at start of Polyline    

0.000 for typical use but may be set by Design, Horizontal, Extract geometry.


Start Chainage          

Chainage to locate first section.


End Chainage          

Chainage to locate end chainage.


Special Chainages    

May be added by hand or "Input" from .lsc file to locate additional sections.


Chainage marking      

To provide cross section chainage labels and markers.


Draw as 3D Polylines      

To draw cross sections as 3D Polylines in plan.


Output files

Setting out (.sot)

CHAINAGE 10.000                 BEARING 93°1'47"

point    Easting    Northing    Level    Offset   String Name


1      1944.918    1440.663   34.418    -6.314   JAAE

2      1944.790    1438.238   34.562    -3.885   K00A

3      1944.777    1437.997   34.494    -3.643   C00F

4      1944.584    1434.359   34.589     0.000   M001

5      1944.390    1430.694   34.667     3.670   C00E

6      1944.379    1430.474   34.767     3.890   K009

7      1944.227    1427.604   34.516     6.764   JAAA


Railway (.rwy)

  0.000    1934.203    1428.410   34.397     6.545   JAAA

10.000    1944.918    1440.663   34.418    -6.314   JAAE

10.000    1944.790    1438.238   34.562    -3.885   K00A

10.000    1944.777    1437.997   34.494    -3.643   C00F

10.000    1944.584    1434.359   34.589    -0.000   M001

10.000    1944.390    1430.694   34.667     3.670   C00E

10.000    1944.379    1430.474   34.767     3.890   K009

10.000    1944.227    1427.604   34.516     6.764   JAAA

20.000    1954.907    1440.182   34.540    -6.361   JAAE












Hec-Ras and ISIS are River section formats referred to in Sequence 7.


To draw the cross sections use menu item Sections, Draw Cross Sections.
