Drape onto Sloping surface

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Drape onto Sloping surface

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To convert one or more 2D Polylines into 3D Polylines by draping them over a surface defined by a reference 2D Polyline and 3D Polylines and/or Levels projected onto it and a specified gradient. Starting with :-

Reference 2D Polyline (white), 2D Polyline (yellow) to be converted into 3D Polyline (there can be more than one of these) and threshold represented by red 3D Polylline and Levels.

Reference 2D Polyline (white), 2D Polyline (yellow) to be converted into 3D Polyline (there can be more than one of these) and threshold represented by red 3D Polylline and Levels.


Draw the reference 2D Polyline close to the existing 3D Polyline(s) and/or Levels representing the threshold for typical use. "Offsets" will be projected at right angles to this reference Polyline.

Pick the Reference 2D Polyline.

Select < the 3D Polyline(s) and/or Levels

Dialogue with typical settings after 3D enities have been selected to be projected onto the reference 2D Polyline.

Dialogue with typical settings after 3D enities have been selected to be projected onto the reference 2D Polyline.


Max distance from 2D Polyline:

Any 3D entities beyond this distance will not be projected onto the reference 2D Polyline.


Slope parameters

Enter the fall gradient (this will be at right angles to the reference 2D Polyline).

The Range means that any parts of design 2D Polylines beyond this distance will be ignored.

Select one or more 2D Polylines to be converted into 3D.


The resulting 3D Polyline is shown in cyan

The resulting 3D Polyline is shown in cyan